About Dry Eyes

E>Eye Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome

We are pleased to offer an exciting treatment that has been developed and tested in New Zealand and Europe.

The E>Eye machine delivers IPL (intense pulsed light) of a specific wave length and power, to the eye lids so that the meibomium glands are stimulated. This allows the meibomian glands to return to their normal tear film production.

Arrange an appointment or contact us to find out if you are suitable for this revolutionary new treatment.

Our eyes are lubricated by the overlying tear film, which simply is composed of 3 components, the mucin layer, the aqueous layer and the lipid layer.

The Meibomian glands in our eyelids secrete the lipid layer which seals the tears from evaporation. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is the condition where the Meibomian glands, fail to produce a suitable or sufficient oil layer for the tear film, leading to the symptoms of DRY EYE SYNDROME. It is a multi factorial condition and causes discomfort and grief to a high percentage of our population (almost 70% in some parts of the world).

Our modern life style can make the symptoms of dry eye worse.

Driving cars, working in air conditioned rooms, working on computers, artificial lights, wearing contact lenses and previous eye surgery, can add to the discomfort caused by dry eye.

Up till now dry eye treatment has been limited to treating the symptoms:

  • Variable vision
  • Itchy eyes
  • Stingy eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Frequent tearing
  • Sore eyes
  • Tired eyes
  • Trouble with glare

All these symptoms make us miserable and the relief afforded by eye drops is only temporary and short lived.

Some times the dry eye syndrome will be treated with ointments, hot compresses, steam glasses but all of these methods are only give temporary relief of dry eye syndrome.

Introducing the E>Eye Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome

We are pleased to offer a new and exciting treatment that has been developed and tested in New Zealand and Europe.

The E>Eye machine delivers IPL (intense pulsed light) of a specific wave length and power, to the eye lids so that the meibomium glands are stimulated. This allows the meibomian glands to return to their normal tear film production.

Arrange an appointment or contact us to find out if you are suitable for this revolutionary new treatment.